Overview of Using a Core

Role: Core Customers

As a Core Customer, you can use iLab to visit the storefront for Core Facilities and directly request services or reserve resources. Typically, you will already have the link for the Core you would like to visit, but you can also browse all Cores available through iLab by using the List All Cores‍ link on the left navigation. 

If you can't see a list of Cores at other institutions, use the iLab Troubleshooting Assistant to access the other cores page.

A typical core in iLab looks similar to this:

Each Core is organized into a number of tabs. Note that these tabs may be renamed by the core staff, so that the actual names may vary from core to core. The most common sections are:

Certain cores have more specialized sections, including:

  • Studies: Perform work that is part of a research study
  • Order Products: Directly order products stocked by the core, shopping cart style
  • Animal Acquisition: Place requests related to animal models