Overview of Kiosk and Interlock

Role: Core Administrator

Kiosk and Interlock are iLab modules used to track real time usage on instruments for more accurate billing and reporting purposes. Kiosk is a stand alone tracking station used to capture logged time. Interlock is a device utilizing hardware or software to control power to equipment through a secure iLab Bridge.


Kiosk can be used without Interlock to simply track the usage on equipment within the core. The Kiosk is a stand alone station providing users a login interface to begin and end their reservation. Please refer to the Managing Kiosk‍ article for more information. 

iLab Bridge

Once an agreement is in place, the iLab engineering team will configure and send you an iLab bridge. The bridge initiates a secure connection to our iLab servers from within your organization. The bridge does not need to be visible to the outside - it only needs to be connected to the internet. You will work with your iLab implementation team to determine timing and availability of the iLab Bridge. 

Software Interlock

Software Interlock controls user access to an instrument's specific software programs, governed by a combination of iLab’s Scheduling and Calendar functionality, the iLab Equipment Kiosk interface, and a third-party software access solution. 

The iLab Software Interlock requires that the customer purchase from Sassafras a K2-KeyServer server license as well as individual seats for each piece of equipment. Refer to the Preparing for Software Interlock article for more information.

Hardware Interlock

The Hardware Interlock approach relies on controlling the power to key components, typically the monitor used by a piece of equipment. iLab Solutions provides a way to manage equipment remotely, via a kiosk interface. This is done using network enabled devices that can control either a set of standard 110V outlets or a set of dry electric switches. The ability for users to log into the kiosk interface to use equipment is governed by rules and policies that you configure in iLab for resources you wish to control via an interlock device. Some examples of configuration are whether or not a user is trained on the resource, has scheduled time or somebody else is already using the resource.  To control access to the resource the iLab software communicates with these devices in three ways: turning a channel on, turning a channel off, or checking the status of a particular channel. Refer to the Preparing for Hardware Interlock article for more information.

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