External Page Settings

Role: Core Administrator

The External Page Setting section allows you to define how your core's page should behave for external (non-member) customers.

  • Do not show core contacts on external landing page?: If you do not wish for external customer to view your core contacts, select NO.
  • Do not show map on external landing page?: If you do not wish for external customers to view a map to your facility, select NO.
  • Allow users to search for my core's services and resources on my institution's landing page?: If you wish to allow external customers to search for your core and its services from the institution's landing page, select YES.
  • Show schedule calendars on landing page: If you would like to display your resource schedules to external customers, select YES.
  • Description for landing page: Enter a description of your core to the external landing page. Remember that your audience will be non-members.

Note: External landing pages are available to institutions that have a customized URL.

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